Clearwater Saw Shop has added Grizzly Peak Enterprises to its growing business. Grizzly Peak Enterprise offer a wide variety of hand made tough, light-weight axe, wedge fire extinguisher, and paint can carrying scabbards, these are for fast action and four times better for safety. They are many times better for carrying your tools. They are made of tough, tempered aluminum and will last four times longer than scabbards made from other material. They are designed to stay clean of snow, dirt, bark and sawdust. Rain, snow and sun have no effect on these tough masterpieces. The Timber Cutters all like them.
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To ORDER Axe Scabbards, measure axe from the bit to its hammer head. The axe should be about 1/8″ smaller than the scabbard to work smoothly and freely. Our axe scabbards are adjustable, They fit most single bitted axes without adjusting. Some old axes have rough spots. File or grind them off to let the axe slide in and out of the scabbard freely. Patented in the U.S. & Canada.
We offer 16 sizes of the wedge scabbards. Measure the wedge, how high, how long, that the way you order this product. We build scabbards to hold two, three and four wedges. They fit all sizes of wedges. All are designed with a spring. You may place one wedge in any of these sizes, and turn it upside-down and the wedge will stay secure. Our wedge scabbard draws the eye of practically every Timer Cutter.
Fire extinguisher and paint can carrying scabbards- catalog #29 & 30. Place the can in the scabbard upside-down so that the lid will stay on the can when bumped. These fire extinguisher scabbards are noted for their fast action and are more compact than any other. These aluminum file scabbards carry flat, round, 3 corner files up to 10″ long. Comes with file handle and must be drilled to fit the file you wish to carry.
For a complete line of all the products please visit us on-line.